Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer Fun Wk 9!

Summer Fun Wk 9! Can't believe another week has gone by! We will be back to work and school in no time! So we are definitely going to live up the rest of these summer wks! WE finally got to do our Eddies at 11 with my brother! I love when our sched match up and we can catch up! It was a cousin wk! Almost everyday this week we had B, Noah and Navy over1 Yay! Cashy golfing! and Piper in her silly positions watching her shows! I always find her in the silliest funny ways! I always have to snap a pic when when I see her doing a funny pose! lol! 
My big girl is already crushing 9th grade and it hasn't even started! She's been going to StuCo for the last 2 wks everyday! This past wk they had their class elections for the coming year! She was running for Vice President of her Frechman Class! She had to give a speech in front of the entire StuCo and then her freshman class voted! Elcetion Day! Vote P for VP! :) Well you're looking at the New elected Vice President of the Freshman Class! Yay! Congrats Penny! You did it! Extremely proud of her for putting herself out there! To celebrate with some of her new StuCo friends she went to the movies! Then I took her to Kendra Scott! Love my Penny so much! She is going places! :)
Only a couple more days on our summer subscription! The kids have had a blast all summer jumping and playing at Sky Zone! 
Lucky Links Permanent Jewelry! Wow! Penny has been busy! Thank you all for your love and support to Penny! I posted last wk about her starting her new permanent jewelry business and she has been booked up ever since! Wow! Can't thank you enough! 
She is loving it and nothing but happy customers! :) She also has been doing nails too! The nails will take  more practice but she is having fun doing my nails and her friends! Penny is a worker bee! She loves to do side hustles! lol She is a hard worker! She loves to make money! Extremely proud of her work ethic at a young age! :)  Teach them young to be hard workers is what my dad taught me! She definitely loves to find ways to make that money! and thank you all again for supporting her! 
Cousin time! The littles have sure had a blast this wk playing! Lots of swimming, eating, gaming and shooting pool! 
Even snuck in a Dr apt for Penny! :) Penny finally got to hang with her friends! We have been so busy all month with family in and out of town that she finally got to hang with her friends this wk a couple of times! Yay! She always has so much fun! Such a great group of teens! 
Sky Zone again! This time Cashy learned and mastered a back flip! Wahoo! Ethan was a great coach! :) He was so hyped! So proud of him! He gets his mind set to things and does it! Love it! 
Ruby had to go to the vet! She's all good now! Sweet fur baby! Love her so much! I got my hair done this wk! Yay! Love feeling fresh! lol
More pool time! Swimming with Cousins and Besties! It really has been a fun week out by the pool each day! Also hit up a park in the evening! That's the only time to go to the park here in the summer! Too hot outside! and Dipp'n Dots on hot day is always a must! 
Date night to see Good Vibrations! First we ate at the Durango Hall of Food! Delicious high end food court! So yummy! Then off to Southpoint to see our friend Taylor perform with his band- Good Vibrations! It's a Beach Boy Tribute! The show was so fun! The band is so talented! Sounds just like the Beach Boys! We wore our Hawaiian attire and had a freakn blast singing and dancing all night! 
On Saturday Honz zipped up to the ranch and took Cash, B and Noah! Boy day trip! They had a blast! Lots of riding, eating and even got to see Grandma DeeDee! It was a quick trip up and back but they had a blast! Loving that more cousin time! 
The girls stayed home and we went to Casey Decker's Baby shower! Such a beautiful evening together! We are so excited for Jackie to be a grammy and for Jade and Casey to be 1st time parents!  After the baby shower Penny was doing permanent jewelry while we were still out in Henderson! lol Girl is Working it! lol Then here is the Sunday Funday pics! I love taking a pic every Sunday when we are headed into church! :) That's a wrap! It's been another amazing, busy Summer Fun Wk- 9! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Happy 14th Birthday Penny!

Happy Happy 14th Birthday Penny! Oh my sweet Penny pie! How is she 14! Time is flying by! I'm 100% loving being her mom! She is growing into being an incredible beautiful young lady inside and out! To know her is to love her! She is full of life! Such a fun personality! Care free and lives life to the fullest! How did I get to be so lucky! Lucky with my Lucky Penny! :) If you follow along with my blog posts you can see we have had a very busy summer fun wk 8 celebrating Penny's Birthday all week long! So here is her Birthday post of what she did all birthday weekend to celebrate! She got her birthday highlights which was my last post! That evening she hung out with Sadie and Bridget! She went to the movies and then spent the night at Sadie's! I had been asking for months...weeks what she wanted to do for her birthday! She always replied no party just take me shopping! That's my kind of girl! Take the money you would spend on a party and spend on me! lol So that's just what we did!!!
All she really wanted was Sadie to drive her and take her to the best mall in town! The Fashion Show Mall to shop! Yay! The morning of she last minute invited her 2 other besties! Addie and Ainsley to come along and shop with her and Bestie Bridget was still in town visiting from Washington! I got the girls dropped off at Sadie's house and Penny got what she wanted for Sadie to drive her to the Fashion Show Mall! Yay! lol Bff Mel jumped in my car and we followed them down! Penny obviously needs me there for my money! lol We had a freakn blast! Girls day out and these cute girls all have the best time together! 
We shopped our little hearts out! Ate dinner together at Maggiano's! It was delicious! She wore her cute Birthday sash all day and had so many people wish her Happy Birthday! She loved it! 
Even had to get birthday cupcakes from the Sprinkles vending machine! That was a party in itself! The vending machine sings to you when you get your cupcake! lol They were so yummy! We literally shopped until we dropped! We shut the mall  down! lol Penny had the best day with her besties shopping! It was so fun to see the girls pick clothes out and try them on for a mini fashion show in each store! lol The girls all built each other up! It was such a good vibe! She got so many cute new clothes for school! This is the 1st year that she will not have to wear a uniform! Yikes! Mama is not ready for that! lol but she is ready for big kid school.... public High School! :)
Birthday morning! We made it to her actual birthday day! lol We have been celebrating for days leading up to her actual birthday! Birthdays are kind of a big deal around here! Giving human life is something to celebrate and that's exactly what we do! Penny we are so lucky and blessed you were born! July 21st is the best day! You made your way to this earth right to me! I'm so grateful to be your mom and do life along side you!!! Happy 14th Birthday!! 
Side note: July 21st is National Ice Cream day! Say what! Had no clue! So Splash was ging away free dippin dots! So we had to get our free one! lol So we really kicked off her Birthday with ice cream! lol She also loves cinnamon rolls so for breakfast I surprised her with Cinnaholic! Yum! It's already been an amazing Birthday morning! lol
Opening presents! She is so fun to buy for! 
Penny's Birthday landed on Sunday Funday! So we went to church! Everyone was wishing her happy birthday and her Sunday school teacher made cookies just for her for her birthday! You made her day! She also had extra special surprise visitors after church too! She truly had the best 14th Birthday! 
As tradition on my kids actual birthday they get to pick out where they want to eat for their birthday dinner! Penny picked Geisha house this year! So of course that's just where we went!! We love it there! It was delicious too! 
After dinner we had our bestie neighbors over -Decker's and Facers, along with our bestie family- Hilsabeck's to sing to her and eat Cake and Ice cream! Such a fun night together celebrating Penny!!! Her request for cake this year was the cookie dough cake from tsp! Oh my it is delicious! We all loved celebrating Penny! She is pure joy and such a hoot! Happiest 14th Birthday Penny! Hope all your dreams came true and many more to come your way! We sure love our Lucky Penny! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Penny's Birthday Highlights!

Oh Penny!!! New hair for the Birthday girl! After getting home from the quick beach trip I had sched Penny to get her hair done for her birthday! This is a tradition we started when she turned 13 (last year) she could get highlights! Low maintenance highlights! lol So here we are Penny almost turning 14 and she was ready for fresh highlights and wanted to be lighter and more of it! lol Megan did an incredible job! Could she get any more gorgeous! Oh my! We are in trouble! Just look at my beautiful Penny! Love her blonde! So pretty! Settle but bright and low maintenance on the grow out! Megan nailed it! This was exactly what the Birthday girl wanted! I'm in love! 
Fun action shots of the blonde transformation! lol
Oh and we can't forget this guy! :) He needed a fresh cut on his sides while Penny's hair was processing! His hair grows so  freakn fast! I feel like he always needs a fresh cut on the sides done! lol Love this boy of mine! :)

Kicking off Penny's Birthday - Living the Beach Life!

We are still in Summer Fun wk 8! lol I know we have already done so much how can I possibly add a beach trip in! Well here it is! This was the spontaneous beach trip with the Facer's and McKay's! We piggybacked on their vaca to Celebrate Penny completing Summer School and kick off to Penny's 14th Birthday! If you know me best I love to have fun! I even love more to be spontaneous! Where do I need to be and when....I'm so there! I never want the fun to end! lol So we were kicking off Penny's Birthday in style! The Beach Life! As soon as Penny completed her final exams at Midnight we loaded up and got on the road! lol :) It was just me and the kids! Honz was still in Utah golfing! lol 1st stop Jack's! 
Then it was Salt Creek Beach in Dana Point! It was a beautiful beach with giant surfing waves! The ocean was pretty clear too! The kids had an absolute blast! 
We were off to a great start to our spontaneous beach adventure! :)
Cashy skim boarded the entire day! Piper played with her besties looking for crabs and shells! Penny hung out with the teens! I enjoyed watching everyone have a freakn blast! lol
More beach fun! You know I take a ton of pics! lol
We love the Facer's and the McKays' so much! Every singe one of us gets along! It's the best! So many memories made always when we are together! 
Dinner at In and Out! Then got checked into the hotel room! After getting into our room I discovered the air was broken! So after complaining and honz complaining (which he was back in Vegas) there  was no other rooms avail mind you it's 10:45pm when we got checked in and settled into the no ac room! Ugh! Anyhow I made them bring fans to my room which helped a little but man was it hot! We got though the night and we are still to date trying to get a full refund! What a joke and such a hassle!
Checked out of the low end hotel! lol and headed to shop! We hit up the Rip Curl outlet which was freaking awesome! Then over to the outlet mall! You know I love to shop and especially when it's a good deal! Holy Moly! Practically Free! lol
Ruby's Dinner for lunch then finished shopping! Next stop Doheny Beach!
We're back to Doheny Beach! We went to this beach a couple of years ago with the McKay's! Really good surfing here! I love watching the people surf! Cash help dig a gigantic hole! Penny played volleyball! 
Piper was busting out her tricks left and right! lol
Soaking up the Sun! We love living the beach life! 
Dinner on our way out of town was delicious! Such a quick fun trip! So  glad we did it! Penny loved  the kick off to her 14th birthday trip! Such an epic family adventure together!
I love BeReal and had to screen shot these for the memory! So freakn cute! Such an amazing time! We will never forget! Thanks Facer's and McKay's for letting us tag along! We love you! Until next year! You can't get rid of us now! lol We coming! :) lol

Lucky Links Permanent Jewelry!

Lucky Links Permanent Jewelry!
Also this Summer Fun wk 8 before our spontaneous trip to the beach Penny was trained and certified in doing permanent jewelry! I have always wanted permanent jewelry and I recently had a bracelet and anklet put on by my cousin Megan! My girls got them too! We immediately fell in love with all  out jewelry that is fine, delicate, high quality for an amazing price!  It was then that Penny fell in love with the business idea of starting her own business in permanent jewelry! She loves creating ideas in ways to make money! She's a working girl! Train them young a good work ethic! Rt! lol Well we make dreams come true around here! She has always been our little entrepreneur just like daddy! So here she is all official! She started her own permanent jewelry business! "Lucky Links Permanent Jewelry" is her business name! She is so new that we haven't even started an Instagram page or her very own Venmo act! lol! Coming soon! But in the meantime she is open for business! So if you are in the market for permanent jewelry hit me up! She would be happy to get you sched! She's offering amazing low prices for high quality chains! You will not be disappointed! :)
Here's some action shots during her training! She was crushing it! It's surprisingly very tedious! Such a fast learner! Way to go Penny! I love all my bracelets and anklets! My permanent necklace is next! Wahoo!


Summer Fun Wk 8!

Summer Fun Wk 8 was jam packed with all the incredible fun things to do! This is just the beginning of all the fun we had this wk! It was Penny's Birthday wk too! So you know we did Summer Fun wk 8 with a birthday bang! Chad enjoyed a quick golf trip to St George for a couple days! He had such a great time! Beautiful People! Beautiful golf courses! I love when he takes the time to go and do what he absolutely loves to do which is golf!!! Looking on Honz!
Penny finished Summer School this week with flying colors!! Yayyy! She was dedicated all summer and worked so hard! Finished with straight A's in all 3 classes! Along with finishing summer school she also started Student Council for the 1st time at her new big girl school- Arbor! lol I had to take a few pics of her in front of her new school- 1st day of StuCo!!! So proud of her! I had her up at midnight as soon as her summer school final exams posted so we could do a spontaneous trip to the Beach to celebrate no more summer school and to kick off her Birthday! (separate beach post to follow) She is such a good sport! lol Proves she will do what it takes to have fun! Work Hard! Play Hard! I love her so much! 
These 2 littles! lol They are 2 peas in a pod! I love coming across random pics that my kids take and especially these 2! Here they are flexing! lol Too Funny! Cash Money gangster style! lol and Piper always in the funniest positions laying around playing on her phone! 
Cashy Golfing! He's pretty dang good and is loving it! Hanging with besties! Cash took care of Tilly while the Decker's were out of town! She needed heart meds 2 times a day! He did such a good job taking care of her! I never had to remind him! He was on it! 
Reunited and it feels so good! lol Our besties have been on vacay for 3 wks! We are so happy they are back home! That was way too long away from us! lol We had such a fun date night catching up!
Saying goodbye is the worst! Our favorites McKays' headed back home to Washington! All of us were so sad for the fun to end! We love when they visit! The kids all play so good together and it's a non stop party from sun up to sun down! Sleep overs are included in that too!  lol Safe travels! We can't wait until Christmas! That's when they are back in town! We will be ready to play!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

My Birthday Boy!!!

Happy 41st Birthday Honz!!! Oh how I love this man! To know him is to love  him! He's the greatest! I'm literally so grateful he was born! Couldn't live life without him! He kicked on his Birthday golfing with his buddies! He loves to golf so I can't think of a better wat to start his birthday ! After gold he went into work where his s taff surprised him lunch and cake! He was so excited! They definitely spoiled him! Then after work we celebrated the Birthday Boy at the Bff Facers! She hosted and ordered in the food! I got him his favorite birthday cake... Regular cheesecake with fresh strawberries on top! He was so excited! All smiles!  We were going to do a date night with a few couples but most were out of town so  Mel offered the festivities at her house! My brother Ryan and his family also joined in the fun! We will get the date night in soon once all our besties and bff's get back into town! lol Then came home to all his  presents to open! Honz repo0rts he had an amazing bday! yay! Best day ever! We  all love you! Happy Birthday Honz!
pics from when we surprised him down at his shop during his staff lunch birthday party! He was so happy to see all of us!! I had a whole family/friend crew with me too! lol
Dinner! Cake! and Movie! at bff Facer's! Such a fun night together! Thanks Honz for being born! Oh how we love you! Thanks for all that you do to keep our little family happy and going! We couldn't live life with out you! We are the lucky ones! Happy 41st Birthday Honz! It was a great day celebrating you!