Sunday, July 14, 2024

My Birthday Boy!!!

Happy 41st Birthday Honz!!! Oh how I love this man! To know him is to love  him! He's the greatest! I'm literally so grateful he was born! Couldn't live life without him! He kicked on his Birthday golfing with his buddies! He loves to golf so I can't think of a better wat to start his birthday ! After gold he went into work where his s taff surprised him lunch and cake! He was so excited! They definitely spoiled him! Then after work we celebrated the Birthday Boy at the Bff Facers! She hosted and ordered in the food! I got him his favorite birthday cake... Regular cheesecake with fresh strawberries on top! He was so excited! All smiles!  We were going to do a date night with a few couples but most were out of town so  Mel offered the festivities at her house! My brother Ryan and his family also joined in the fun! We will get the date night in soon once all our besties and bff's get back into town! lol Then came home to all his  presents to open! Honz repo0rts he had an amazing bday! yay! Best day ever! We  all love you! Happy Birthday Honz!
pics from when we surprised him down at his shop during his staff lunch birthday party! He was so happy to see all of us!! I had a whole family/friend crew with me too! lol
Dinner! Cake! and Movie! at bff Facer's! Such a fun night together! Thanks Honz for being born! Oh how we love you! Thanks for all that you do to keep our little family happy and going! We couldn't live life with out you! We are the lucky ones! Happy 41st Birthday Honz! It was a great day celebrating you!

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