Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Summer Fun Wk 8!

Summer Fun Wk 8 was jam packed with all the incredible fun things to do! This is just the beginning of all the fun we had this wk! It was Penny's Birthday wk too! So you know we did Summer Fun wk 8 with a birthday bang! Chad enjoyed a quick golf trip to St George for a couple days! He had such a great time! Beautiful People! Beautiful golf courses! I love when he takes the time to go and do what he absolutely loves to do which is golf!!! Looking on Honz!
Penny finished Summer School this week with flying colors!! Yayyy! She was dedicated all summer and worked so hard! Finished with straight A's in all 3 classes! Along with finishing summer school she also started Student Council for the 1st time at her new big girl school- Arbor! lol I had to take a few pics of her in front of her new school- 1st day of StuCo!!! So proud of her! I had her up at midnight as soon as her summer school final exams posted so we could do a spontaneous trip to the Beach to celebrate no more summer school and to kick off her Birthday! (separate beach post to follow) She is such a good sport! lol Proves she will do what it takes to have fun! Work Hard! Play Hard! I love her so much! 
These 2 littles! lol They are 2 peas in a pod! I love coming across random pics that my kids take and especially these 2! Here they are flexing! lol Too Funny! Cash Money gangster style! lol and Piper always in the funniest positions laying around playing on her phone! 
Cashy Golfing! He's pretty dang good and is loving it! Hanging with besties! Cash took care of Tilly while the Decker's were out of town! She needed heart meds 2 times a day! He did such a good job taking care of her! I never had to remind him! He was on it! 
Reunited and it feels so good! lol Our besties have been on vacay for 3 wks! We are so happy they are back home! That was way too long away from us! lol We had such a fun date night catching up!
Saying goodbye is the worst! Our favorites McKays' headed back home to Washington! All of us were so sad for the fun to end! We love when they visit! The kids all play so good together and it's a non stop party from sun up to sun down! Sleep overs are included in that too!  lol Safe travels! We can't wait until Christmas! That's when they are back in town! We will be ready to play!

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