Sunday, July 14, 2024

Penny's 1st Surgery!

So mid week of Summer Fun wk 7...My sweetest most brave and strong Penny had her very 1st surgery! We checked into the Durango surgery center and the most amazing Dr. Roberts took  care of of our sweet Penny! The procedure was very small but she had to be put under in order to the procedure! Her 1st blood draw was a couple wks ago for her pre-opt! She was so nervous for the needle! She got through that like a champ! Her next worry wasn't the surgery its self it was the IV! and yet again she did absolutely amazing! So brave! Dr. Roberts reported the surgery went great! Yay! and while she was still under anesthesia daddy was popping her zits! lol Fun fact: She hates when daddy wants to pop zits on her! lol and he's such a picker! He will tackle her down to get them or make crazy deals or even pay her  to pop her zits! It's actually so funny! So when Penny found out she was going under she said "Daddy now's your time to pop all the zits! lol I cant' fight you!" So freaking funny! So of course I had to snap the pics of him actually popping zits while she's still out to show her! lol She thought it was so funny! Never felt a one! lol Now coming out of anesthesia was a whole new level!  She was an absolute hoot! So freakn funny and such a chatter box! Daddy was a videoing and getting all the tea from her! We could not stop laughing! She is truly the best! If you want to see the videos shoot me a message! hahahahaha!
Oh how we love Penny! We are so happy everything went great and she's off to a speedy recovery! She had no choice to recover fast because we sure had busy rest of the wk playing! After surgery she was starving since she couldn't eat since the night before and all she wanted was her fave bowlology! lol So I stopped and got her one! Then she got a surprise visit from Bestie Maddie with get well treats and surprises! Get well Crumbl delivered to our door from Bestie Shayla who was vacationing in Idaho! :) and Beautiful flowers from her amazing YW President Sis.  Andersen! Oh how she felt the love! She did not tell any of her friends and did not want me to tell anyone but I needed mama support from my besties! lol so that's how these sweet thoughtful get wells showed up! You are loved Penny! Praying for a speedy recovery so you can keep playing to finish out the summer! We are so grateful for all the nurses at the Durango surgery center, the anesthesiologist and the amazing Dr. Roberts for taking such great care of our Penny! 

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