Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Happy 14th Birthday Penny!

Happy Happy 14th Birthday Penny! Oh my sweet Penny pie! How is she 14! Time is flying by! I'm 100% loving being her mom! She is growing into being an incredible beautiful young lady inside and out! To know her is to love her! She is full of life! Such a fun personality! Care free and lives life to the fullest! How did I get to be so lucky! Lucky with my Lucky Penny! :) If you follow along with my blog posts you can see we have had a very busy summer fun wk 8 celebrating Penny's Birthday all week long! So here is her Birthday post of what she did all birthday weekend to celebrate! She got her birthday highlights which was my last post! That evening she hung out with Sadie and Bridget! She went to the movies and then spent the night at Sadie's! I had been asking for months...weeks what she wanted to do for her birthday! She always replied no party just take me shopping! That's my kind of girl! Take the money you would spend on a party and spend on me! lol So that's just what we did!!!
All she really wanted was Sadie to drive her and take her to the best mall in town! The Fashion Show Mall to shop! Yay! The morning of she last minute invited her 2 other besties! Addie and Ainsley to come along and shop with her and Bestie Bridget was still in town visiting from Washington! I got the girls dropped off at Sadie's house and Penny got what she wanted for Sadie to drive her to the Fashion Show Mall! Yay! lol Bff Mel jumped in my car and we followed them down! Penny obviously needs me there for my money! lol We had a freakn blast! Girls day out and these cute girls all have the best time together! 
We shopped our little hearts out! Ate dinner together at Maggiano's! It was delicious! She wore her cute Birthday sash all day and had so many people wish her Happy Birthday! She loved it! 
Even had to get birthday cupcakes from the Sprinkles vending machine! That was a party in itself! The vending machine sings to you when you get your cupcake! lol They were so yummy! We literally shopped until we dropped! We shut the mall  down! lol Penny had the best day with her besties shopping! It was so fun to see the girls pick clothes out and try them on for a mini fashion show in each store! lol The girls all built each other up! It was such a good vibe! She got so many cute new clothes for school! This is the 1st year that she will not have to wear a uniform! Yikes! Mama is not ready for that! lol but she is ready for big kid school.... public High School! :)
Birthday morning! We made it to her actual birthday day! lol We have been celebrating for days leading up to her actual birthday! Birthdays are kind of a big deal around here! Giving human life is something to celebrate and that's exactly what we do! Penny we are so lucky and blessed you were born! July 21st is the best day! You made your way to this earth right to me! I'm so grateful to be your mom and do life along side you!!! Happy 14th Birthday!! 
Side note: July 21st is National Ice Cream day! Say what! Had no clue! So Splash was ging away free dippin dots! So we had to get our free one! lol So we really kicked off her Birthday with ice cream! lol She also loves cinnamon rolls so for breakfast I surprised her with Cinnaholic! Yum! It's already been an amazing Birthday morning! lol
Opening presents! She is so fun to buy for! 
Penny's Birthday landed on Sunday Funday! So we went to church! Everyone was wishing her happy birthday and her Sunday school teacher made cookies just for her for her birthday! You made her day! She also had extra special surprise visitors after church too! She truly had the best 14th Birthday! 
As tradition on my kids actual birthday they get to pick out where they want to eat for their birthday dinner! Penny picked Geisha house this year! So of course that's just where we went!! We love it there! It was delicious too! 
After dinner we had our bestie neighbors over -Decker's and Facers, along with our bestie family- Hilsabeck's to sing to her and eat Cake and Ice cream! Such a fun night together celebrating Penny!!! Her request for cake this year was the cookie dough cake from tsp! Oh my it is delicious! We all loved celebrating Penny! She is pure joy and such a hoot! Happiest 14th Birthday Penny! Hope all your dreams came true and many more to come your way! We sure love our Lucky Penny! 

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