Monday, July 1, 2024

Chance's Mission Farewell!

The day has arrived! My #1 Chance is locked in and ready to head off on his mission! I can't believe it! Times flies and kids grow up too fast! Chance had his mission farewell this past Sunday! His talk was absolutely amazing! He is so ready to get out and serve the people of Baton Rouge , Louisiana! Man are we going to miss Chance around here! A new life begins for him! His missionary life! The people of Louisiana are so lucky! They have no idea what they are getting! Pure joy and pure sunshine is Chance! He is going to be so loved out there! We are so proud of him! He is an amazing example to my kids of a pure disciple of Christ!
It was so fun to see all the family and friends that came out to support Chance! Chance has made a special mark on so many people! You could see it and feel it with all the people that came out to wish him goodbye! We love you Chance! Can't wait to read your weekly emails! You will do amazing things in Baton Rouge, Louisiana! See you in 2 years! Godspeed! 

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