Saturday, August 12, 2023

Back To School!!

Back to School here we come!! I  had a friend post that each  year she does a theme for the school year! I love this idea and absolutely loved her theme! "All In!" Be "all in" in school! Be "all in" in being a good friend! Be "all in" in extracurricular activities! And most importantly be "all in" in Christ! Such a great way to be "all in!" Love this! It's going to be such a great school year! Can't wait to see their growth! Love these babies of mine! All 3 growing up so fast! 
Penny is 13 and off to 8th grade! Her last year in Middle School! Can't believe it! She is the big dog of the Middle School! lol She is absolutely loving being a WEB leader! In fact her class had a class election and she was chosen to be the Vice President of  WEB!! Wahoo Penny! Way to go! Such a leader! We are so proud of you! I'm so excited for this 8th grade year for her! She is going to do great things! We love you Penny!
Cash Money is 10 and off to 4th grade! His teacher is the exceptional Mrs. Skelton! He is beyond excited she is his teacher! Me too! We love love love Mrs. Skelton! She truly made an impact on Penny! I'm forever grateful for that! Cash lives and loves life to the fullest! He is our little sunshine! Our day maker! Pure joy! He is going to do amazing things this year in 4th grade! We are so proud of you! We love you Cashy boy!! 
Piper is 6 and off to 1st grade! She has the wonderful Mrs. Hays! She was so excited to see her new classroom and see what friends she had in her class! She is super excited to have Mrs. Hays for her teacher since Cash and bff cousin Navy both had her as their teacher! She is our sassy! She holds her own! Ain't nobody bossing this baby of the house around! lol She loves to helping her teacher so she is excited to get to school to start helping! I'm super excited for her to really grow academically in 1st grade! Both Penny and Cash really had amazing growth by the time 1st grade was up! We are super excited to see what 1st grade has in store for her! We love you Piper! You will rock the 1st grade!
Look who else was off to her 1st day!! Me!!! and I'm in my new school shoes! lol  Mrs. Emylee! This is my 2nd year working with the sped team as an aide! I absolutely just love my team! I love working with all the teachers and admin at both es, ms and hs! I'm super excited for my students this year! It's going to be a fabulous year!!
Since I work at the kids school I get to see them through out the day! That's my fave! So here's the 1st day fun! Lots of pics with just a few of my little besties at the school! Penny off to school with daddy taking her! Piper at lunch! Happen to catch Penny and her friends walking to lunch which happens to be my lunch! love it! Samsies! lol Most of the aides matched the 1st day too! Love it! I seriously love these ladies so much! Hitting school with a bang! We are all excited for this new year!! Let's do this!!!


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