It's been tradition to spend Christmas Eve at Chad's dad's house so of course that's exactly where we were when Christmas Eve came!! Vicki made the most delicious best tasting Lasagna I have ever had!! She is so amazing!!! We kept the evening short....Santa was needing some extra help getting some surprises together before it was Christmas Morning!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Christmas Fun at Grandpa John and Grandma Janeen's!!
A few days before the Christmas rush we had an enjoyable time over at my dad and Janeen's house for some fun Christmas festivities! Janeen always puts on a great big feast with all the works! and this year Grandma and Grandpa went way over board with so many fun toys for all the kids!! My Penny and Cash had a blast playing with all their cousins!! It's always great fun being with my family!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Penny's Class Christmas Party!
Oh what fun did Penny have at her class Christmas Party!!! Let's just say too much fun! Her class party was at Chucky Cheese! Penny had only been there 1 other time when she was so little that she didn't even remember so walking into Chucky Cheese was so exciting for her! She had a blast!! Little Cash had a blast too! Santa even came and brought them both a present!! Cash still wasn't to sure about sitting up on Santa's lap but Penny sure Loved seeing Santa!!! Penny sure loves her teacher Mrs. McIntyre and sure loves all the little friends she's made at school!! Merry Christmas everyone!
Friday, December 19, 2014
Our Little Performer!!!
Our little Performer was such a Star up on stage as she sang and danced her little Heart out at her Singer's Company Christmas Performance!! Penny....the stage Loves you and so did the Crowd!! You were a hit up there! Just a singing and a moving and a shaking! Someone else that was extremely proud of her was Cashy!! As soon as the music would start he would start clapping and a dancing just a smiling and a staring at big sissy up on stage!! and when the song was over he would look back at me and point up on stage to Penny!! Oh he's just the sweetest! He was so proud of her!! He did this on every song!
Penny is just the best!! When she hits that stage my girl comes to perform! haha! She truly will entertain you!! She sang a solo to the song "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!" and she did amazing!! She also got to introduce another song!! So she had 2 very important tasks and she nailed both!! My star!!!
She had lots of family that came out to support her!! She was so excited to see them out in the crowd!! That's probably why she put on more of show!! haha We were all so Proud of her up there!! Thanks to all that came! You truly made her feel so special! We love you all and of course we Love our Big Star Performer!! Keep up the great work!! We can't to see you up on stage again!! Love you Penny!!!
Our Cashy Boy!!
Another month down! Our little Cash is 16mons old! Oh Boy is on the move! Super fast now!! He's rough and tough! All boy! Loves to wrestle, jump, fall, roll and whatever little wild boys do! haha! He's just the best! Always smiling, laughing and teasing while at it! He Loves cars, trucks, balls, and pretty much what ever Penny is doing! He just loves getting right up in her business! and I have to say she's pretty dang sweet for not pushing, whining and fighting him away! Penny is just the best with him!! He absolutely loves her! He follows her every move! It's really quite crazy how fast they pick up on learning something new from somebody else!! He's still getting in those top 2 front teeth! haha He's still pounding the food! He knows when food is around!! Penny always says "mom Cash has sniffed it out again...he's coming for that food!" haha! She's the best! and it' so true!! He's saying more words and tons of animals sounds! He claps for himself when he says a new word or sound! It's just the best!! He also claps when I'm doing reading a book to him or Penny! He loves Books! He also loves when I start to sing or when Penny sings he will start turning in a circle while trying to sing/hum along with you! He Loves Music!! Little Cash has especially enjoyed this time of year!! He Loves the Christmas lights and the big blow up Santa's, Snowmen ect. out in people's yards!! He starts a pointing and "ooooing and aughing! My favorite is when he spots a Santa (it can be up kind outside) he will point and say over and over "ho-ho-ho!" Oh my it's so dang cute!! We just can't get enough over here of our Sweet Cashy boy!! He's truly the best!! We love you the most big boy!!
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Happy Birthday Zane!
I can't believe my Zaners is 5!!!! Happy Birthday big Boy!! We sure do love you!!! We ate at Macayos for his Birthday and then after we sang to him he put his face in his ice cream!!! Hilarious!! We were not expecting that!! Such a silly boy!!!
Our New Braces Dr....Dr. Ence!
My big sis has done it!!!! She graduated from Orthodontic School!!! She is officially Dr. Ence of Braces!! What an accomplishment! We are all extremely proud of her!! She has always been so driven and focused and by far the smartest one out of all of us!!! :) So we had a fun little adventure for her graduation!! It was just dad, Ryan, Eryka and myself that flew back to Oklahoma for her very special honorary ceremony! Just us kids with good ole dad!! Such a blast!!! We laughed, talked, cried and just completely enjoyed ourselves the whole time! Janeen met us there she had driven from Kentucky so that her and my dad could drive back home with some of Eryn's things!! She's all done in Oklahoma!! She's moving back on home and joining the Ortho Office that I work at!! Griffiths and Simister Orthodontics!! She starts Jan 5, 2015! Braces! Braces! Braces! I can't wait to assist her!!! We are going to have a blast working together chair side!!!
The top 2 collages are from her graduation ceremony! There were 4 to graduate and she was the only girl!! So proud!! So many amazing things were said about her! Her friends in Oklahoma are truly going to miss her!! She is such an amazing person inside and out!! Dr. Ence you're kind of a big deal!!
The next morning we went to breakfast then my dad and Janeen got on their rode to drive back to Vegas! We headed to Dallas, Texas!! We went and saw the Dallas Cowboys Stadium! My honz's favorite team!! So he was a bit jealous that he wasn't with us!! We wanted to go to the six flag magic mountain across the street but they were closed! We were so bummed!! But we got over it pretty quick as we ate a great lunch then headed to see my brother's best friend Ken and his family!! Ken was pretty much my other older brother growing up!! None of us had seen him or his sweet family for many years!! It was awesome seeing them!! We picked right up like no time was lost!! We got to play with their beautiful kids and Kim cooked a delicious dinner and an Amazing desert!! She spoiled us!! The whole trip was so wonderful from start to finish!! We are so excited that Dr. Ence will be back at home to stay!! I can't say it enough that I'm so proud of my big sis!! She truly is such an example in my life!! She will be the Best most Amazing Orthodontist ever!! She is a perfectionist!!! Perfect Straight Teeth at their finest!!! I love you sis!!! and You're kind of a BIG deal!!! :)
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving!!
It was a great Thanksgiving! So much to be thankful for!! This year we went up to Santa Clara, UT to see my side of the family!! Such yummy food and delicious pies!! It was so fun to see my cousins and aunts and uncles!! and so much fun for our kids to play with their little cousins!! We just don't see them enough and we need too!! Such a wonderful time!! All that was missing was Auntie Eryn and she will be graduating from Ortho School in a couple of weeks! So very soon we will have Auntie Eryn with us everyday!! Can't wait!!
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The Most Amazing Adventure To Santa!
Oh what an adventure it was to see Santa!! The coolest most amazing Santa experience is at the Fashion Show Mall! Oh my goodness!! The display alone will take your breath away!! It even SNOWS while your waiting in line! Shrek, Donkey and Princess Fiona were there too!! So awesome!! You go through the house to get to the North Pole with Shrek and the gang to get to Santa!! Quite the exciting fun adventure!! The kids were loving it!! Then you get to the door to see Santa....the door opened and Santa said "Well hello Penny it's so good to see you! I'm so happy you came to see me!" Penny was in awe!! She ran right up to him and gave him a Huge HUG and sat right next to him on the couch! Then Santa said "Well there's little came to see me too!" Penny is still in awe that Santa knows their names and did not move from his side! Now as for Cash....he wasn't so sure about Santa! We put him up on Santa's lap and he started to cry and cry! He stopped crying as soon as daddy sat next to Santa on the couch but he still did not want to sit on Santa's lap!! haha!! Santa leaned down and asked Penny what she wanted for Christmas and she said the "doc mobile" from Doc McStuffins!! She's been wanting this for a looooooong time! haha! Then Santa whispered in her ear "Do you know what Penny?...YOU are on the Good list so You just may get that Doc Mobile!" She started to giggle and smiled so Big!! That was the most Amazing Sweet Santa I have ever seen!!
As we were walking out Penny said to me with her big eyes and serious voice "mommy that was the Real Santa because he knew my name and he whispered in my ear that I was on the good list!" My heart was bursting with joy!!! Talk about Christmas Magic happening right before my eyes!! She sure Loves Santa!!! haha! I love this time of year for making memories and traditions!!! This Adventure to Santa is our new tradition!!! Best Santa experience in town!! Can't wait to go back next year! Now lets hope Cash isn't so scared!! haha! :)
Friday, November 21, 2014
Catch Me If You Can!!
Catch me if you can is the name of the game for this 15mon boy!! Boy oh boy is he on the move now!! I knew that at any time he was just going to stand right up and take off running!! So yes he has mastered his walking skills... that he is now just a shuffling his feet so fast to a run!! He almost scares us sometimes because we forget he can move that fast and he's right there when you turn around!! There's even been a few times that Penny and I have jumped and screamed out because he was right there!! haha! He just thinks that's the funniest too!! Well along with mastering his walking skills he continues to climb!! This as I've mentioned before in a previous post I'm not used too!! Penny was not a climber!! So this is new to us!! and he especially likes to climb when he gets the chance to go out in the garage!! It's hard to find that little guy sometimes! haha! As these months go by his little personality continues to develop and boy has ha developed quite a Stubborn and very determined one!! If there's something he wants he will let you know! He does not like it when his Fun comes to an end when it's something he's not supposed to be playing with or be into!! He's so head strong that I can't even distract him to change his mind from it! Now Penny was stubborn at this age but I could easily change her mind with a little song or show her something new! haha! So this is going to be fun for me! haha! but on the flip side he's my happy boy! My little tease! Sometimes even a little Shy! Wait...what...we have a Shy child? Yep that's right! If he doesn't know you or hasn't seen you in a while he's definitely shy when seeing you!! He loves to be chased! He waits for you to come get him and then he takes off! haha! He loves his big sissy!! They play so cute together! They wrestle and roll around! They sing together! Oh they just melt my heart! He's been loving Balls...kicking and throwing is what he does over and over smiling and laughing!! He loves books too!! He loves carrying them around, opening and closing them, flipping through the pages acting like he's reading! It's so dang cute! He loves when you read to him...especially when Penny reads to him!! He will just sit still and listen to her!!! The Sweetest!! Penny is so good to him! Truly the best big sister!! But I think hands down Cash's favorite thing right now is his Daddy!!! If he hears or sees daddy it's all over!! He only wants his daddy! It so sweet!! Now of course Daddy is just eating this up and I'm loving it too because mommy gets a little break! haha! He's talking more and somebody got 2 more teeth!! His top 2 front teeth are just breaking through now!! It's just the best to watch him eat using his new little teeth!! He's still mommy's little piggy! He loves to eat! He won't turn anything down! haha! He sure does love his blankey!! He snuggles it, sniffs it, and drags it around everywhere! It just melts my heart!! It just so sweet how much he loves his blankey!! It's been such a busy month with such a busy boy! He has learned so much! Can't wait to see what he will doing the next month!! Getting to big!! Our cheeks hurt from Smiling so BIG!! You make us so Happy little Cashy!!! We sure love you!!
Monday, November 3, 2014
Happy Halloween at the Sand Dunes!
Yes it's that time of year again and the Sand Dune season has officially started!! This was the first time we have gone out for Halloween!! Wow what an experience this is!! There were a ton of people out there! It was a little windy for my liking but the temp was good!! So we enjoyed celebrating everything Halloween all weekend long! We carved pumpkins!
The boys became the "Headless Four wheelers!" Instead of the "Headless Horseman!" lol! Oh my that was hilarious!! Instead of carving their pumpkins to sit in the sand with a candle they wanted to wear their Pumpkins like Helmets! haha! They rode around from camp to camp and people would just stop and stare! It was quite a sight to see! hahaha! Soooo Funny!!!
Once the sun set it was time to get into our Costumes and go Trick or Treating from camp to camp!! WOW! and let me just tell you these people out there go all out!! They decorate more out at the dunes than I would even at my house! It was Awesome!! They made Haunted house, mazes, fog, scary masks, you name it it was out there and it was scary! haha!! Penny half the time didn't want to get out of the truck to go get her candy it was so scary!! haha! What an adventure!!
and of course tons of riding!! This was Cash's 1st experience riding with daddy and he LOVED it!! He did not want to get off! He cried and cried! He just wanted to ride with his daddy all day long! So sweet!!
Happy Halloween with Woody and Jesse!!
Well Howdy Partner and Happy Halloween from the cutest Woody and Jesse ever!! Oh my goodness these 2 just make my heart burst with joy! They are just so dang cute I can barely handle it!! This is all I have ever wanted to do is dress my kids up matching!! haha!!! Penny is such a good sport too! She really wanted to be Elsa but being the sweetest best girl ever she was Jesse just for me!! I love her!! She makes her mommy so happy!! She loved matching her brother!! Once I got them all dressed up into their costumes she thought it was so funny!!! She did get to be Elsa at her school party and she Loved that too!
Pumpkin Carving Fun!!
It's already been a busy October full of fun fall festivities and these pics are from our Pumpkin Carving night at Uncle Jeff & Auntie K's new house! It's always so fun to get together as a family especially when we are doing fun things!! Penny picked out a spooky spider for her daddy to carve out!! It turned out great! She was so Proud of it too!! :)
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip!!
I'm pretty sure we have hit up every pumpkin patch in town this year!! haha! At Penny's little school they got to go to the Pumpkin Patch for a field trip! It was so awesome! They were only open for Penny's little school! So there was no lines and unlimited riding! They had the cutest little petting zoo that Penny just loved! She just loves animals! She also loves going to school and just loves all her little friends! She wasn't the only one that had a blast at the pumpkin patch....little Cash got to go on his very first ride! The Swings!! He absolutely LOVED it and didn't want to get off!! After the pumpkin patch they got to go as a class to the Grape Street Café to make Pizzas! Penny had so much FUN!!! Such a great day! We just Love Miss McIntyre's class!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
More Pumpkin Patch Fun for Us!
Can't get enough of the Pumpkin Patches this year!!! The pumpkin patch at Boca Park is my Favorite by far!! $20 let's little Penny ride all day unlimited!! It's amazing!! She had a blast!!! and the other great part was that it wasn't very busy so she was able to walk on very ride, slide, maze and jumper! She was loving her life!! and for the record Cash is the best baby...he just sat in his stroller and watched her play the whole time! No fussing from this guy! That's how he was down in San Diego to at Sea World and at the Zoo! So pleasant!! Love it!!

Just some fun actions shots of Penny on the rides and of course my sweet little angel in his stroller!! They are the best!!!
Our San Diego Get Away!
We love our quick little vacations!! We haven't gone out of town for a while with buying our house and moving so we were ready to go and boy did we have fun!! We always go with my brother's family every year down to Sea World and to the Zoo and this time Chad's brother Jacob's family joined in on the fun along with our bff's the Johnson's! We had a blast together!! All the kids got along and played so good together the whole weekend!! So the pic collage above is from Sea World! We went there as soon as we hit San Diego on Friday!! Cash Loved the shows! He would just sit and stare with a smile on his face then start clapping! So sweet!
On Saturday morning we started our morning off at the Beautiful San Diego Temple!! By far my most favorite temple ever!! We are so blessed to have an eternal family!!
Then we headed over to the Zoo! Both Penny and Cash loved all the animals! It's so fun to see their excitement of the different animals!!! Such a great weekend! Can't wait to go back again!!
Family Picture Fun!!
A picture can say a thousand words!!! I thought it would be funny to share this photo with everyone!! Does anybody else out there feel like this on family picture day? haha! What is the deal with family pictures anyway! It takes all day to get the whole family ready! Your baby won't nap that day for some crazy reason because all you want is for him to just be happy and smile! Your oldest is to busy playing with everything around her that she keeps getting in trouble by you! Your husband is annoyed because all you want is just a few more pics! haha! Not to mention all the mental prepping for these dang family pics! You have been pinning about 500 hundred different pose options for the best one and about the same amount in outfit color options from Pinterest! Your sister that takes the best pics is only in town for 1 day before the Holiday season so this is your only chance to get your family pics for your Christmas card!! You have you hopes pretty high and not everybody comes to the photo shoot ready to perform! hahah! Oh the joys of family pics!! They are worth every memory! That picture above is just hilarious! 

Needless to say....we still got some good ones! So all the planning was well worth it!! Thanks Eryn you're the best!! I just LOVE my little family!!!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Picking Pumpkins!!
Now this was something we have never done before!!! Our best of friends the Johnson's invited us to go out to the Gilcrease Pumpkin Patch to pick Pumpkins! Chad and I were amazed at how many rows and rows of Pumpkins they had! We got to pick them right off the vine!! They had all different sizes too!! We couldn't believe it!! They had tons of other rows of vegetables and fruits that you could pick as well but we just went for the Pumpkins!! There were tons of people pretty busy! Chad said he wanted to grow pumpkins and sell them!!! haha because the amount of money that was being spent by us and all the other people was crazy!!! Our Biggest Pumpkin came in at 55lbs!!! Isn't that crazy!! We left there with a grand total of 6 Pumpkins!! haha! and this is why Chad said he wanted his own Pumpkin Patch! haha! Such a great time! Sure love this time of year!! There's nothing better than getting you in the fall spirit of things like a Huge Pumpkin Patch!! Thanks Johnson's! Count us in for next year when you guys go!
Our Sweetest Cashy Boy!!
So if you can believe it another month has come and gone! Our sweetest little Cashy boy is 14mons old!! He's just the best!! So many little expressions as you can see!! My favorite is his scrunch face!! He does that scrunch face when he's being silly, when he wants something, when he gets hurt, and when he's getting in trouble!! Like when I tell him "No, No not your business!" out comes that scrunch face! haha! Oh how he just makes us smile so big!! He LOVES his Blanky and Binky! I love it when I catch him sniffing his blanking!! All you can see are his eyes looking right at you! haha! I love it! Penny never did this with her blankies! She wasn't ever attached to any certain type of blanky either! Oh boy is little Cashy! He love his little blankies with the silky trim!! He loves to climb, climb, climb! He loves climbing into his tractor and car over and over again! He claps for himself when he does something great! It's just the cutest!! He blows kisses! Which is so sweet and he even tries to snap his little fingers! He loves to dance to the beat and sing to any tune! He Loves music! He can stand straight up to his feet from a sitting position with out holding onto anything! He has taken a about 3-4 steps with out holding on but then goes right down to his knees and crawls so fast! I feel like any day he's going to stand right up like he does and take off running on those 2 little feet! haha! He loves to be chased! He just gets the biggest kick out of it and starts giggling and squealing! He is such a little tease! He has got the best little personality! He stills loves to eat and is not picky at all! Anything you give him he will eat it up! He has his 2 bottom teeth in and no teeth on top yet!
We love watching him grow and see what's new that he can do everyday! We Love you Cashy!!
Field Trip Fun!!
Penny got to go on her 1st field trip to the Fire Station with her school! All of Miss Lisa's classes got to go! All week they had been learning about the letter F and Fire Safety!! There's a Fire Station super close to Miss Lisa's house so they all got to walk! They got to meet the Firemen, go on a tour of the Fire Station, Check out an Ambulance, check out a Fire Truck and even got to spray water from the Big Hose!!! She had so much fun!! Then once their tour was over Bob (Miss Lisa's husband which Penny just loves to tease) brought them all a surprise and they got to play at the Park next door to the Fire Station! Such a fun day at Pre-K! Penny sure Loves her class and especially her teacher Miss Lisa!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
The "Real Life" Queen Elsa!!
Having a Frozen Birthday Party has been quite the excitement all year long! Penny has been to quite a fact her very own was a Frozen party! but my little niece Umi's 5th Birthday Party took Frozen to whole new World!!! The girls were in for a Huge Surprise!!! This top collage of pics is of the girls just playing and having so much Fun not knowing who was going to be walking thru that door to Surprise them!!!
and In walks the Queen.....the "Real Life" Queen Elsa had arrived from Arendelle! The girls at first all seemed a little nervous or they could have been in a state of Shock...."Frozen" in time!!!! Then once they realized "That's Elsa...the Real Life Elsa" it was all over from there! Let the Fun begin!! Who needs to wait in a 4hour Disneyland line to see Queen Elsa for 2mins when Auntie K just has her come straight to her daughter's birthday party to sing, play makeup, sing some more, sign autographs, sing happy birthday and stay for cupcakes! So Amazing!! and We are so Lucky!!!!! Else stayed to play with these oh so Happy girls for an hour! It was so awesome and so amazing to see their little faces just in "aw!" over Queen Else! Penny is one lucky girl to have an Auntie K to spoil her like this!! and thank goodness Umi's party was after Penny's because all Penny talks about is that she wants Elsa to come to her Birthday party next Summer! haha
The pic collage above was from when Queen Elsa sang "Let it Go!" The girls faces were Priceless! and they were all Singing their little hearts out!!
Elsa was so Fun with them! She did all their Makeup in an "Ice" Blue! She put Sparkly Glitter all over them!! She was so patient and Sweet to them!! They were so Excited they couldn't get enough of her!! They Loved getting their makeup done by the "Real Life" Elsa!!
She told Silly stories about Olaf and then they sang more Fun songs! Penny was just a singing her heart out the whole time! We're thinking Little Cash had a thing for the Queen too!! He kept staring at her and clapping and squealing trying to talk to her! It was so dang cute!!! He was just loving her!!

She signed autographs and then let us take a ton of pictures of her with all the girls!! I even jumped in a couple of pics with her!! It was so Fun!!and Elsa was so patient and wonderful with everyone!! I'm pretty sure at times I was more excited Elsa was there than the girls did! haha
The Magic was truly brought to life for these little girls!!! Their Queen Else that they LOVE so much and Dream about came to "Real Life!!" I Love it!!!!!

She even stuck around to Sing Happy Birthday to our Special little Birthday Girl!! Then it was back to Arendelle to go! The girls were bummed Queen Elsa had to leave but they knew there was a Pinata to Hit next! haha How quickly their little minds change to the next thing! haha :)
Thanks my sweet little Umi for having the Best Frozen Birthday Party ever!! Can't believe you're 5!!! We will never forget this one and especially Penny! We LOVE You!!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Penny's Special Week!
This silly girl was the 1st student picked to be the Leader of the week!! She was so Excited! She got to pick out and bring all the snacks for all the kids in the class to eat! and her most Important and Favorite part of all week was Helping Miss Lisa!! When you're chosen to be the leader for the week you get to help out Miss Lisa all week long! Miss Lisa made little Penny feel so Special!! Penny truly has just been loving School so much! I'm so grateful for this wonderful experience my Penny girl gets to go through! This year in Pre-K is the foundation of her education!! Thank You Miss Lisa for being so Amazing!! We sure love ya!! and little Penny we are so Proud of You! Keep up the great work and Love for Learning!!!!
Friday, September 12, 2014
Get in My Belly!!!
Yummy for my Tummy was exactly what Cash was doing when he ate his very 1st Ice Cream Cone!! He kept saying "mmmmmmm" "mmmmmm" over and over! He absolutely Loved it!! and of course we Loved watching him eat it too!!!! Let's face it....we Love watching everything he does!!! He's just the best!!!
Big Big Big Boy!!
Our sweet boy is now 13mons!!!! No more growing for you little man!! I just love this sweet boy!! He's super super fast crawling around!! He pulls himself to a stand so fast too!! He will stand all by himself and not hold on to anything but No steps by himself!! If he's holding onto anything he will do those steps!! and he's getting pretty dang good too!! He will walk right up against the wall so he can hold on!! He has figured out he can climb!!! and boy is he my climber!! If you can't find him and you're looking down then you better look up! haha! He loves any toys that light up, make noise or sing songs! He's still just our happiest little guy! He loves to "growl"! He "growls" for all animal sounds! It's so funny especially to Penny!! She thinks it's the funniest thing!! She just loves her little brother! If fact she told me she wants more little brothers and a new baby sister! I said "oh dear...we will have to see about that! Mommy's getting too old!" haha! Somebody got their very 1st TOOTH!!! yay!!! In fact 2 teeth are coming on in!! He's a couple months sooner than Penny getting those teeth! haha! He's been quite the trooper! Not to fussy or grumpy! I'm telling you he's the sweetest, most mild mannered, happy baby!! Even when he's cutting teeth!! He still LOVES food! He eats triple the amount Penny does!! We gave him Peanuts and Ice Cream for the 1st time and he did Great!! No crazy allergic reactions to either!!! yay!!! This makes momma very HAPPY!!! He LOVES to Wave HI to everyone!! He's just so friendly!! Always Smiling! Just our little Flirt! He really is trying to talk and say words!! You can see his little tongue just a moving in his mouth trying to form words! It's so dang cute!! He says "Dadda", "Momma," "Hi", and "Ball" so good! We are just loving this silly, happy, little tease, full of life Cashy boy!!! You make our Hearts so HAPPY!!!
School is Now in Session!
Penny has been waiting for this day for way too long!! She has always LOVED School and wanted to be so much older than she was so she could go to school!! When her cousins would start she would tell them she is going too and she was only 2yrs old! haha! So this has been going on for a few years now!! So with that said her day has finally come!! School is now in session!!! Pre-Kindergarden that is with Miss Lisa! She goes Mon, Wed and Fri from 9-12!! Penny LOVES "Grandma" Miss Lisa! Penny's very best little friend Maddie's grandma is Miss Lisa that's why Penny says she can call Miss Lisa....Grandma Lisa! haha! Penny is just too funny! So class started 2wks ago and she has already learned so much and has done so many fun activities in class! She comes home Singing songs, re-sighting what books they have read, writing the letter of the week, baking, making crafts, and so much more!! I'm truly blessed to have Miss Lisa in Penny's life!! Miss Lisa has a gift with teaching and loving kids so much! She makes each of them feel so special and so important!!! I love it! Penny is loving her School and so am I!! It makes me very happy that my little Penny has always wanted to go to school and learn! I hope this never changes!! We love you sweet Penny pie!!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Labor Day Fun!!!
For Labor Day we always go down to California to go the Beach but this year we had just moved into our new home and I needed to get unpacked, organized and settled! and then we had a Fun Surprise come into town!!! Eryn and she brought her bestie Joanna! So Eryka and her family came in from St George and we all went to my Dad's for a Swim bbq!! We had a blast all day!! We didn't even get out of the pool all day!! haha!! I love being with my sisters!!! We have the best time together!!
So Eryn's bestie Joanna had to do the Ice Bucket challenge and I just had to share these pics because I caught some good action shots of her! hahah! Just love her!! But with that said.....
then Zane had to Ice Bucket Challenge Penny!.... and this went on and on and on!! These to littles must have done this challenge 10 times each over and over dumping water on themselves or each other!!! hahaha! They were having so much fun!! and they were cracking us up!!! They thought it was so Funny to do it too!!! So silly!!
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